How to Play With Your Infant
You've mastered the basics and know how to respond to your baby's needs. You are now healed to the point where you can move more easily from the couch or bed. Most likely, these thoughts have floated through your mind: "When my baby's not sleeping, feeding, or pooping, what do I do with her?", "How do I connect with him?", "When do babies start to play?"
Come learn about all that you are doing right, and ways to further enhance the bond with your baby. Build confidence as you become an expert at noticing the myriad of ways baby is developing daily, and knowing how to facilitate her growth.
Balance & Self-Care Strategies
We've all wondered at some point, "How does she make it look so easy? She's got it all together - that'll never be me." The answer is: it's not, and she doesn't. No one does. Some are just more skilled at hiding their struggles.
What does it feel like to achieve Balance? The truth is, it is a moving target, but not unattainable. Women are good at doing "everything", but the more impressive skills are to know when to say "no", when to delegate, and to know how to prioritize. And make themselves a priority. Let's talk about that.
Building Your Village
Who's got your back? Other than possibly a partner, or your parents if they are around and live somewhat close. Who understands the way it really is? Are you looking for a group of like-minded women or mothers who can validate your thoughts and feelings? And maybe give you some relief, whether emotional or task-specific? Hear from a health professional the importance and benefits of social connection and how we can nurture this aspect of our life.